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The Rogers Family | Photo Shoot

Family photo shoots are always one of my favorite things to capture, especially during the summer when everyone gets to spend time together and the kids are out of school. But they are also my favorite when the family is celebrating something special.

The happy couple, Carolyn and Doyle, were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. The family wanted to capture a special picture for the local paper, but they also wanted to commemorate the occasion with a large family photo shoot.

As I have been learning my way around Cleveland, Tennesee before moving there this month, I discovered the beautiful location that is Black Fox Farms. They kindly agreed to let me shoot on their property. They host weddings and other events, and it was a perfect location for the Rogers' shoot. The property includes a large red barn as well as a pond and other green areas for any kind of photo shoot.

I could tell that this shoot was going to be lots of fun. We all had a great time taking pictures, and I was able to get some really good family shots with Carolyn and Doyle, but also some with each separate family. The weather was absolutely beautiful with no rain in sight. Being a teacher, I felt completely at ease getting to know the family and trying to capture some great smiles from everyone. When I was shooting the kids by themselves, I noticed that it was the only time little Chandler smiled for me all day, and I absolutely had to capture just a picture of him in black and white.

This family was such a blessing to shoot, and I hope they had just as much fun as I did.

Congratulations Carolyn and Doyle!


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